As a self-proclaimed runner nerd, I have all the stuff. A Garmin watch to tell me all my stats. Hydration bottles, belts, vests, hats, and visors. Open ear headphones so I can listen to podcasts and music while still being aware of animals on the trail and the inevitable Toyota Prius on the road.

Not that any of these things make me a better runner, but I could argue some pretty good benefits to each (especially to my husband!)  

The headphones I’ve used might have changed over the years but have allowed me to listen to hundreds of miles of audiobooks, podcasts, and music. I can still hear Deena Kastor’s voice narrating her book “Let your Mind Run” when I run through a wooded section of trail at home. I also clearly remember struggling on a run up Santa Rita Road listening to “Endurance” by Alfred Lansing (great book, poor choice for that run.)

And of course, I LOVE to share stories and educational tidbits from all my favorite podcasts, usually on a long run with my friends where I have a captive audience. (Seriously, listen to the dry-cleaning episode on “Stuff you Should Know.”)

The podcast I listened to today on my run was a little different though. Instead of listening to someone else’s story, I got to listen to my own.  

Luis Escobar, founder of the trail running group All We Do Is Run, came out to the ranch in November and helped us put on the Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run. This was our third year hosting the 48hr, 24hr, 20k, 10k, and 5k trail running event that donates back to Templeton Run Club. Fantastic fall weather made for a buttery smooth trail, spectacular views, and crispy cool mornings around the campfire. The donations received from All We Do Is Run have been instrumental in covering operating expenses like insurance, RRCA and USATF membership dues, and banking fees.

Not only is Luis a legend in the trail running community, incredible photographer and race director, but he is also the host of another favorite, the “Road Dog Podcast.” I was starting my fifth lap of the 24-hour race and Luis came with me…with his microphone.

Now don’t get me wrong, I like to talk but I feel like my best thoughts are written, after I’ve had the chance to process, delete, and re-write a hundred times.  The idea of doing a podcast and answering questions off the cuff was intimidating. But Luis is a pro and quickly focused the conversation on all the things I love taking about, the ranch, running, and Templeton Run Club.

I’ll let you listen to the episode on your own (so I can cringe at myself in private) but per the usual, there are a few things I wish I would have mentioned.

San Miguel Lions Club not only came out to BBQ burgers for our runners, but they used the money they collected in donations (plus a little extra) to write us a check for $500. For those of you that have been following along, this is the exact amount of the scholarship we were able to award a Templeton High School athlete. This means that we should be able to award not just one scholarship next year, but TWO! This is huge and we are so grateful for their generosity to us and the community!

Jon Occhipinti, TRC member and the owner of 805 Golf Cart Rentals, was out running the 10k this year.  Fun fact about Jon: he has donated the use of his carts every year since we’ve had the Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run and has played a huge part in making sure the logistics of this race go off without a hitch. Thankful for him as a teammate and for his bigheartedness.

I also failed to mention that Templeton Run Club turned FIVE YEARS OLD this year! Support from groups like All We Do Is Run and local businesses like A-List Properties, West Coast Auto and Towing, Fluid Nutrition, Movement for Life, Kman Cyclery, Morro Bay Police officers Association, Simons Construction, and GH Sports have played an integral part in keeping TRC running.

Trevor Franchi with Prescription Roasting Coffee connected with us before the first Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run and wanted to find a way to help us reach our goal of providing scholarship opportunities for high school athletes. Trevor is a Templeton local and one of the three Cal Poly grads that started the Templeton based coffee company. For years now, when I receive my order, included is a small donation back to the club and a reminder of the generosity and support we have from an amazing small business. (Use “TRC” on your order for 5% off and a 10% donation back to the club.)

Luis asked me during the podcast what’s next for Templeton Run Club. It caught me off guard, even though I knew the question was coming.

For a little club we’ve been able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. We met our main goal to start a scholarship program. We’ve trained for local 5k’s, trail runs and world marathon majors. We’ve been able to put on Elementary school Track & Field Camps for the community and one summer camp for the high school cross country runners. What comes next?

As a long-term goal, I would love to see TRC put on a big event north of the grade. Whether we continue working with Luis to expand the Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail run or try to put something on independently.  Short-term goals, to start, include consistency, inclusivity and communication. What else should we work on? Want to share your thoughts with us?

Join us for a TRC meeting on January 16th at Barrelhouse Brewing at 6pm to keep this conversation going and help us plan out 2025! 

Also, you’re invited to join us next Saturday, December 21st at 8am for our annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Run! Wear your best Ugly Christmas sweater for a chance to win a top 3 medal! We’ll meet up at Templeton Park (on the fire department side out of the way of Farmer’s Market) for a 5k run or walk around Templeton. 

The Wine Country Half Marathon and 10k is happening on March 30th this year. Meet us on January 4th at the Downtown City Park in Paso Robles to kick off our TRC group training program. We’ll train over the first 12 weeks of 2025 to conquer 13.1 miles in beautiful Paso Robles Wine Country.  We’ll meet up on normal run club days for the usual dynamic warm-ups and include some group strength work and post run stretches. Our beginner group will start with a 3-4 mile route. The intermediate group will start with 5-6. This 12 week training program will be free to all our TRC members.  Please feel free to reach out with questions!

Lastly, a BIG thank you to all of our TRC members, sponsors, community partners and supporters that have made the first five years of Templeton Run Club a success. Let’s see what we can do in the next five years!

Happy Running Friends! And Happy Holidays to you and your families! 


Rosalie Smith
RRCA Level I/ USATF Level II Certified Coach

Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, Ca. 93465








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