Happy picnic season! Grab your blankets, baskets full of goodies and get out there to soak up that spring sunshine! I actually dared to wear shorts on a run a few days ago to try and get a little sun on my white legs. I ran at home so my thankfully my friends were spared from temporary blindness.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to write up a run club newsletter and we have a few exciting updates. First, we have a new logo! I’m sure by now many of you have seen it on social media or on Strava. We loved our original, but it’s taken a few years as a club to find something unique to us. We’ve teased each other about chasing bunnies during races (usually the cute ones with the crop tops) and seen actual bunnies on our long runs. Then there are the really-long run conversations that come up wondering what the difference is between a bunny and a rabbit (hint: one is younger.) And when we talked about a team mascot, of course the bunny came up. So as such, our new logo has evolved.

Along with the new run club logo, of course we needed new swag! Our next bit of exciting news is that Templeton Run Club now has a Team Store! This is great for us in that we don’t have to worry about purchasing gear and keeping an inventory of mismatched sizes. It’s great for you in that you can order run club gear whenever you like! You can check it out HERE or look for the Team Store page on our website. I’ve ordered recently and it took just over a week to get my order from when I placed it to when it was received.

With that, we have also been working with Cloud 9 Sports and the folks at New Balance to order our first Templeton Run Club Team Singlet. Nicole and I went down to the Venture Half Marathon at the end of February and it was so fun to see all the runners repping their teams and clubs at the race. The singlets are separate from the team store and I plan on placing an order next week. (Colors are navy blue, orange and white and may look a little different from the picture.) They are $52 before tax and shipping. If you would like to buy one, please email me your size by March 20th. There is a 4 week turn around so hopefully we’ll get them by mid-April.

Not quite in time for our Barrelhouse 5k Pub Run/ Walk on March 23rd but that’s ok! We have some swag on the way. Join us for a fun run or walk around Tin City at 10am to be followed by Beermosas for purchase and a free raffle for our participants. All ages and fitness levels are welcome! Bring your friends, parents, kids, neighbors, and random strangers you meet in the grocery store. This is a free community event for all. You can sign up here on Eventbright or RSVP on Strava!

Last bit of news is that while last year we offered a scholarship to Templeton High School Cross Country and/ or Track and Field athletes, we had no takers. This year we’ve had a few submissions and will be providing a $500 scholarship to one Templeton High School Senior! As our club grows, we are hoping to offer this to all our North County Schools. If you know a Templeton High School Senior athlete that hasn’t applied yet, tell them to go to the THS Scholarship page for more information. We are asking for a one page essay on how track and field or cross country impacted you through high school and how it might affect your future in athletics. Submissions are due before May 1st.

THANK YOU to our Sponsors for supporting our club and making things like our fun runs and scholarships happen! This includes A List Properties, West Coast Auto and Towing, Movement for Life Physical Therapy, Fluid Sports Nutrition, K-Man Cyclery, Morro Bay POA, Simons Construction, San Miguel Lions Club, 805 Golf Carts, and Tenet Health Central Coast.  

Happy Running Friends!

Rosalie Smith



Plantar fasciitis. Also known as that dumb achy pain on the bottom of your foot or heel people commonly feel first thing in the morning after getting up from bed. Caused by many different things from tight calves to wearing the wrong shoes, it’s a common overuse injury in runners and affects over 3 million people per year. As a nurse, I know a thing or two about medical conditions, so when I started feeling that achy heel and foot pain, I figured it was PF….aka pffft.

I knew I could start foam rolling and stretching my calves, I knew I could start rolling out the bottom of my foot with the spiky ball and icing after my runs. I knew that my trail shoes were toast and I should probably go get fit for new ones. I didn’t do any of it.

I’m also no spring chicken. While I’m enjoying the developing wisdom that comes with living life  and growing older, I am not enjoying the increased recovery times, the residual soreness, and learning how to use my phone as a magnifying glass when I can’t read the fine print.

And yet, there are things I can do to help! I can start weight training to develop strength to support my core and prevent injury. I can practice yoga to help with flexibility and restore balance. I can drink enough water and eat healthy foods to fuel my body! Whoo!

Except….I don’t do any of that. I rush off after a run before stretching. I don’t eat when I’m “supposed to”, I sit at my desk instead of practicing yoga and I’ve never been great at weight training.  I am REALLY good at making excuses though! “This is more important…I don’t have time right now…I’ll get to it later”…and now, because I’m better at making excuses than I am taking care of myself, I’m benched…”pfft..”

There is hope though. In my ongoing search for knowledge and learning, there is a lesson here to be learned. Having an injury gives me a chance to reassess. In addition to overtraining, I’ve also over committed, limiting the amount of time I have to take care of myself. Learning how to balance all the things I want to do with all the things I need to do is an ongoing project.

Taking time off has helped me regain my appreciation of running. Training for a marathon and a half ironman back-to-back became more like a job and less like something that gives me peace. After six weeks, five days and sixteen hours of not running, I finally feel like getting back out there! Even if I can’t quite yet… I’ve also gained a better appreciation for my running buddies. Anyone that’s run long before knows the value of a good running conversation and I miss them!  

And although I’m bummed I’m not running with them, I’m really looking forward to being a good cheerleader to my teammates!

Wine Country Half Marathon and 10k kicks off a whole host of local events over the next several months! On October 29th, the races will start at beautiful CaliPaso Winery and run through wineries and nearby horse ranches in Paso Robles. Wine Country Runs is a non-profit organization that supports local charities and sports organizations in North San Luis Obispo County. Templeton Run Club will be there to volunteer with Templeton Cross Country at mile 11 right before the hill! Come join us or sign up here to volunteer at the event!

After that the 26th Annual City to the Sea Half Marathon and 5k will be on Sunday, November 12th starting in downtown San Luis Obispo. This event is the main fundraiser for Cuesta College Cross Country and Track and Field programs and finishes at the spectacular Dinosaurs Caves Park in Pismo Beach.

Last but certainly not least, the Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail run will be held at the Smith Ranch on November 17th-November 19th. New to this year is a 5k run in addition to a 10k, 20k, 24 hour and 48 hour event! Camping is encouraged and free to all that want to come out. This event will benefit Templeton Run Club and help us continue to put on free fun runs, offer scholarships, and put on youth camps throughout the year!  Sign up here to volunteer for the weekend and keep an eye out on our Instagram page for a FREE bib giveaway!!

Because of events like this one and support from our sponsors, A-List Property, West Coast Auto and Towing, Movement for Life Physical Therapy, Fluid Nutrition, Morro Bay POA, Kman Cyclery Tenet Health Central Coast, and Hug a Mug in Paso Robles, TRC was able to help send three of our runners to the Level One RRCA Coaching certification program this summer! Congrats to our new RRCA TRC Coaches Tony Lopez, Susan McAdoo and Jen Seay on their hard earned and well deserved certification! We were also able to host our first Cross Country Camp with Templeton High School Cross Country and hope to build this into an annual event for all our North County Schools. 

And finally, while these events might not be local, you’ll also see some of our local runners and Sole Sisters at Revel Big Bear on November 18th and CIM in Sacramento on December 3rd. If you’re in the area, keep an eye out and cheer them on! All that training isn’t for the faint of heart!


Happy Running!


Rosalie Smith



PO BOX 522

Templeton, Ca, 93465


Well, I asked for it…hot summer weather is upon us. One of our horses created her own sprinkler yesterday splashing around in her trough and broke the float. I walked out to turn it off and a smell of “rain drops” hitting the warm, dry dirt made me (almost) look forward to cooler temps and wet weather.  It’s August and although summer is still in full swing, it’s almost time for the kids to go back to school. Now I’m wondering, where did the time go?

Just a few short months ago in June, we held our 2nd annual Track and Field Camp. While we might have had just as many student coaches as we did campers, it was incredibly successful. Our THS athletes proved to be good mentors and excellent role models to some incredibly talented youth athletes.  Thank you to our adult volunteers, student coaches and run club members that came out to make this camp run smoothly! And a shout out to our community partner GH Sports in SLO, who once again donated all the water bottles to our participants! We couldn’t have done it without ALL of YOU!

This month we are hosting a special pub run and Soles 4 Souls shoe drive with Barrelhouse Brewing on August 19th at 8am. This FREE 5k Pub Run will be followed by a raffle with swag from Templeton Run Club, Barrelhouse Brewing and TWO $50 GIFT CARDS from GH SPORTS!  Bring a pair of gently worn shoes to donate to our Soles for Souls shoe drive and you’ll receive an extra raffle ticket!! Soles for Souls is a non-profit organization that collects new and used shoes and clothing to donate to people in need across the US and around the world. Give to a good cause AND clean out your closet – win, win! Runners and walkers of all ages are welcome. AND if you make a donation of $25 back to the club (so we can continue to host events like these and more), we’ll give you a fancy, schmancy run club hat!  Sign up online for free at Eventbright or RSVP on Strava!

Training is underway for the Wine Country Half Marathon on October 29th, the City to the Sea Half Marathon & 5k on November 12th and the Tierra Redonda Mountain trail run on November 17th-19th with All We Do is Run. If you’re considering running these events and want some training buddies, come on down! (And if you want to join our team and haven’t signed up yet for City to the Sea, email me for a discount code!) We’re in the process of working on some team shirts to wear so we can rep the club and spot each other from literal miles away! 

Run club member and 29 time marathon finisher Susan McAdoo volunteered to write a story this month of one of her more challenging marathons. If you have a story to share, want to ramble about your love of running or a race experience you had, hit me up!  We want the good, bad and sometimes ugly! 

Happy summer running!

Rosalie Smith


Po Box 522

Templeton, Ca. 93465


Hills, Hills and more Hills!

by Susan McAdoo


She said it would be easy. She said I would love it. She said that I would have zero issues. Well, “She” lied.  I’m talking about my long-time running pal Amy. Sometimes I get roped into things that are out of my comfort zone because I love a challenge.  For instance, a group of friends were all doing a 3-day juice cleanse and anybody that knows me well, knows that I love to eat.  I never go without a meal, but I decided that because 3 days wasn’t challenging enough, I would do a 5-day juice cleanse.  It was terrible, and nobody wanted to be around me after the second day. So, when Amy asked if I wanted to do the Wild Cherry Canyon Marathon, I couldn’t resist the challenge.

At this point, I had already completed well over 20 full marathons, so I would’ve considered myself a seasoned runner. I knew that this marathon would be a little different with dirt trails and a lot of climbing. I even heard that they had real food on the course, not just the typical GU and Gatorade. Let’s be honest, that’s probably the real reason why I signed up!  I had plenty of long training runs at Montana De Oro, East Cuesta and West Cuesta Grade so I felt like I was prepared. This was the 2nd year Of Wild Cherry Canyon and I had been hearing some grumbling about the inaugural year prior but didn’t really give it that much thought because the 1st year usually has logistical issues, planning, etc. 

Fast forward to the day of the race. I felt ready! Solid training, no injuries, proper sleep and hydration the week prior.  Everything was lining up to be a great day.  The sold-out race consisted of runners competing in a 50-mile ultra marathon, 26.2 mile marathon, half marathon and a 5 mile hike.  The gun goes off and we all take off. I usually start a bit more conservatively because it takes me a few miles to get warmed up.  Welp, I clocked my first mile at a 13:15, that sucked!  This was tough and I mean walking with my hands on my knees gasping for air tough.  The first loop was also the same route as the 5-mile hike which took us past the start line. I got to see some of my friends, smarter friends, that had opted for the lesser mileage events.  They thought I was crazy for doing the full marathon and at this point, 5 miles in, it was becoming painfully obvious that they were right. I continued climbing hill after hill, with some running and a lot of walking. I typically don’t allow myself to ever walk in a race but there was no other choice for me. I watched people twice my size climb hills like mountain goats as I wallowed in my own misery and puttered along asking myself what the heck was wrong with me.  I wanted to quit over and over again but didn’t.  I found the aid station twice with the real food and had no shame in stopping for a Sprite and a PB&J, and when you’re that tired everything tastes amazing!

I got through this race and finished with my slowest marathon time, 5:34:59, a 13:00 min/mile pace. I climbed over 5500 ft that day and it was BRUTAL! Running is humbling, some days are easy and some days it feels hard.   I always say to myself that if you don’t have the hard runs you can’t appreciate the good ones! Wild Cherry Canyon Marathon will still go down as my hardest marathon to date. Happy Running!

Bring on the hundred-degree heat North County is known for! Hot wind, dry air and pavement that melts under your shoes.  I’m ready for it! My fingers are cold typing this as I look out the window at a dreary, overcast sky with sixty-degree temps, in June.  

High School track and field season is over, spring marathon training has passed, and our first local half ironman triathlon has come and gone. A few days ago, my watch had the gall to tell me I was “de-training”!  I must admit, that while I love working towards big goals, I also love going out for a run or ride with no particular goal in mind.  There is no pressure. No worrying if it was enough. Only the enjoyment of getting outside (preferably when it’s warm and sunny!)

While track season may be over, we’re gearing up for our 2nd Annual Youth Track and Field camp with Templeton Rec next week. Our THS student coaches will show our incoming third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders the ropes on some of their favorite track and field events.  Athletes can come run, jump and throw with us on June 13th, 15th, 20th and 22nd at the Jack Allen Field at Templeton High School from 10am-12pm. Sign up at Templeton Rec Department online or email Melissa Johnson at mjohnson@templetoncsd.org

This camp will prep our youth athletes for the Atascadero All Comers Meets held on Wednesdays July 12th, 19th, and 26th at the Atascadero Track. Registration is $5 a person and welcomes all ages. Sign up at the track the night you want to compete.  It was so fun watching our track camp kids compete last year and we’re looking forward to it again this year! Send me an email if you want to volunteer with us!


New to our team of sponsors this year is Fluid, K-man Cyclery and Movement for Life! Fluid is a local sports nutrition company that started in 2005 as a Cal Poly Senior Project by Richard Smith and David Brown. They have been fueling our runs for years now making sure we don’t cramp up on the go and keeping us well recovered with their post workout recovery drink mixes. (Talk to Tony about his recovery coffee!)


Kman Cyclery has been keeping central coast bikes tuned up since 1999 and ours more recently for triathlon training. Owners Keith Schmidt and his wife Robyn are not only local athletes and coaches but are a big part of putting on the Atascadero All Comers Meets and heavily involved in local running and cycling events.





Movement for Life Physical Therapy has not one, but ten locations on the Central Coast alone! One of our favorite run club runners, Jen Seay, is one of their physical therapists and a integral part of our TRC team. Movement for Life supports several local community organizations and it’s an honor to have them now supporting ours.

Back again for 2023 is our sponsor April Fehrer with A List Properties, Hug A Mug Coffee Shop in Paso Robles, Tenet Health Central Coast, and West Coast Auto and Towing! A huge THANK YOU to ALL of our sponsors! We are so lucky to have you on our team!

As I get older, I’ve come to realize the importance of utilizing different perspectives and styles when trying to make improvements (aka the importance of teamwork.) While it’s easier sometimes for me to work alone, I’ve found that working as a team makes us stronger. What I lack in leadership or direction, someone else can bring to the table or complement with their own strengths.

To grow Templeton Run Club and make it a community organization all runners enjoy and feel comfortable being a part of, I need help from you. You don’t need to be “fast,” you don’t need to be buff, and you don’t need to run marathons. In fact, I would love to find a leader that wants to start a Walker Wednesday group.  We’ll be looking for runners of all paces to lead group runs (yes, I’m looking at you 12 min/mile pace group) and for individuals that want to become more involved in helping with TRC social media, apparel, and events.  

Our next meeting will be on June 22nd after the track workout at Barrelhouse Brewing. Please join us or send me an email if you are interested in helping!  We would love to have you!

As a reminder, the best way to find the most current information on Templeton Run Club group runs and events is on Strava and the Templeton Run Club Calendar on the website. Our run club days are Tuesday mornings, Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings. Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming! (Sometimes it’ll inspire others to show up and sometimes we’ll cancel if it looks like no one is going.)

Last but not least, here is another another written contribution by one of our club members, Tony Lopez, on running with the club and his first Boston Marathon.  Please reach out if you would like to write for next months newsletter!!

Happy Running!

Rosalie Smith


Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, CA. 93465



by Tony Lopez


Long long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, I sat on a couch. Pleasantly plump, freshly married, and happy. My wonderful wife comes home from work one day and tells me about her co-worker wanting Kellie to join her in getting in shape doing Crossfit. Every day Kellie would come home telling me about the different exercises and equipment they would do and use. Eventually, her enthusiasm actually got me off the couch! I installed a pull-up bar. I made a plyo-box. I scoured the ads for Olympic weights. I was still mostly on the couch, but a good workout fascinated me…I could watch it for hours!

Months went by, and Kellie had switched to a different job. We had a semi-functional gym, and she continued Crossfit at home. I joined in sometimes, and so did the kids. One day she came home somewhat excited because one of her co-workers had given her a 13-week challenge. From couch to half-marathon! Only 13-weeks. I figured I was already on the couch, so I was halfway there!!!

I was not a complete stranger to running. Many years ago, I used to run a fair amount: During grade school with my dad, High School by myself, and College with my brother, Mike. I ran my share of 10k’s. 5 milers were the usual fare, and anything over six I would consider a long run. My longest race was a 10-miler. But I did mention that that was many years ago, right?

Now I am going to admit that I failed the challenge. Being the Neanderthal that I am, I went out and did too much too soon and started collecting my personal list of ailments: shin splints, stress fracture, and Plantar fasciitis. Not exactly the PRs that we brag about but a valuable lesson nonetheless.

Ultimately, I did complete my half-marathon, and with all the pain and injuries accumulated along the way, I had declared: Half-Marathon and no more! Any thoughts of ever doing a marathon were completely erased from my mind. Actually, I don’t think they were erased…they just had never even entered my mind. I was hooked on running, just nothing more than a Half.

It was a cool and pleasant Thanksgiving morning when that changed. I had finished the prep work for our feast, and I had started the turkey in the oven, so what better time to go out for a run than while everything was cooking? And that is when everything changed.

Moss Lane has always been my favorite route: dirt road, some hills, some cows, a tunnel of trees, and the occasional lone runner. But today was different. With a grunt, I passed someone coming from the opposite direction, with a nod and a wave a few more. Then a small group… Curiosity got the best of me, and I asked if they were part of a group, and I heard “Templeton Run Club. Look us up on meetup.com…”.

Soon thereafter, I joined TRC. We had our weekly long run on Saturday. Tuesday morning at the Park and often a Thursday run. We discussed our goals and desires to grow our little club and came up with the idea of training together for the City to the Sea Half marathon. Our fearless leader, Rosalie,  introduced a set of warm-up exercises that we perform every day before we run. It truly does help get your legs and arms going and ready before our runs, and I have been, for the most part, injury free ever since. Along with the warm-ups, we started Thursday track night, which challenges you to learn different paces for different events.

As a group City to Sea 2021 was a smashing success. Twenty of us in Atomic Blue Shirts doing our warm-up together inspired random runners to join in with our pre-run/race ritual. Whether you were running or spectating, our shirts were easy to spot from a distance. We did TRC proud that day.

Riding high on enthusiasm, we plotted our next group event: Mountains 2 Beach Marathon. Gulp. Yes, the word Half was dropped. Somehow I got convinced that I could run a marathon. Now I will say I have been very blessed to be part of TRC, with many years of Marathon experience under their collective belts. I pity the fool that tries to train for a marathon without it. We slowly increased our weekly mileage. We had our long runs. We had our track workouts. We had our beer. Oops, let’s just call that our strategic planning meetings. Week after week, we worked towards our goal. Mountains 2 Beach came, and I bonked! Blame it on starting too fast. Blame it on having Shingles. Blame it on the heat. Blame it on the beer. Blame it on chasing halter-top girls in the First Half…  I ran 18 miles at a great pace and then just died. My legs cramped up. I stopped, stretched, and proceeded over and over until finishing with a time of 3:50:48… I was crushed. I needed under 3:50 to qualify for Boston. I had just limped the last six miles for nothing. To add insult to injury, M2B people had messed up the route, so everyone ran half a mile more than they should have. Making it a totally depressing day for me.

Now this bonk was in no way a fault of my TRC running buddies. They were the best. Now, imagine, if you will, a chipmunk drinking coffee, inhaling helium, and talking super fast. That would pretty much summarize my newly acquired little sister and running buddy, Susan. Susan had run Boston the last 9 years in a row and easily qualified for Boston yet again this year. I got a call from her, and she is saying that not only did she get accepted to Boston, but they used her adjusted M2B time! ( Remember, M2B messed up the course! ). I had submitted my M2B run just for fun, and son of a biscuit, they accepted me using an adjusted time!!! Considering my first marathon experience, I was not super excited about going to Boston, but my lovely wife Kellie said, “If you qualify, you are going!” So now I was Boston bound.

Minus the beer, we pretty much duplicated our previous M2B training schedule, but I listened a little harder this time. Rosalie’s haunting voice echoed in my head: “Trust the taper…..trust the taper…”. Susan’s constant “Slow down, we should be running way slower than our race pace.”   We built our miles and then tapered.   After our very last taper run, as we headed to our cars, Susan said don’t forget your throw-away shoes… Forget them? I had no idea what she was talking about!   You see,  rain was in the forecast for Boston, and with that, you have a whole different level of preparedness. Basically, wear throw-away shoes, socks, a sweater, a rain poncho, foot cream, and toilet paper. Bring real shoes and socks in a plastic bag and have a spare trash bag to sit on. Imagine that. I had been running hundreds of miles with her nonstop, talking about everything under the sun, and she saved this information until the absolute last run!

Boston. Birthplace of our nation. A little tea party 250 years ago started this town on a long road to our Independence. Many good ideas have come from this Eastern seaboard town, such as Independence, Marathons, and beer, but we are here to talk about the Marathon, so I’ll keep the beer to myself. Boston is home to the world’s oldest annual Marathon, so along with 30,000 of my closest friends, we get to trek 26.2 miles from the town of Hopkinton to downtown Boston, but how that happens is left for us newbies to discover.

The logistics that are involved in managing 30,000 runners are quite overwhelming. The Commons is the downtown park where everyone congregates mid-morning before the race. Here we are filtered into waves of runners based on our bib colors and loaded onto a series of buses that take us to the start line. Simple enough until you realize at 100 people per bus, that’s about 300 bus loads! Losing somebody in those crowds is super easy, but apparently, some have mystical powers of re-appearing unexpectedly, as I would be happy to tell you about over a beer or two.  

After a long drizzly ride, we disembark into a flood of people trying to figure out how to stay dry and where is the starting line. Remember 30,000 runners. You don’t just fire a pistol and say go! Several waves separate the elite from us, mere mortals. The elites start at 10 am. Next wave 10:25, then 10:50, and finally 11:15. My wave was 10:50. But within each wave were corrals! Based on your qualifying time, you are assigned a corral, so the faster qualifiers start before, the slower ones. Remember my TRC buddies? The ones I trained with mile after mile. Well, they were assigned corrals 3&4, whereas I was back in 7. I admit, I tried to sneak into their corral, but I got called out and had to do the walk of shame backward thousands of runners to my corral. 10:50 crept around, and we all got ready to start. Rain ponchos and throw-away gear was tossed aside as the minutes crept by, and finally, we started towards the start line! From where the bus lets you off to the actual start line was just under a mile!  

As with any race, you have to jostle for position hoping for the crowd to thin out enough to run free. Well, that never really happened, but you get used to it, and that was part of the charm of this race because accompanying the myriad of runners was an endless sea of crowds lining the course. There were parts of the race where the crowds were so loud, cheering, screaming, and howling that you couldn’t even hear the runners next to you. You were engulfed in this hysteria that makes you forget any little pain you might have felt. The flood of emotions moves you. I might have given out my share of high fives along the way, but I did skip the kissing section.  

Remember my Bonk in M2B? Well, that was my biggest fear: that I’d run 18 miles and then cramp up. I decided early on that I would never catch my TRC buddies because they started 3 minutes before me. My strategy for Boston was to treat the first 21 miles like a training run. I soaked in the crowds, my fellow runners, the scenery, and the drizzle, constantly telling myself to slow down. After the first 16 miles starts a series of four hills that culminate with Heartbreak Hill. By itself, Heartbreak would be a nothing burger, but coming after a series of hills, it really takes its toll on some. As I started up Heartbreak, just after mile marker 20, I looked around and smiled because I knew I was feeling great and I had my secret weapon waiting at the top of the hill: Kellie!   Sure enough, as I crested Heartbreak, I spotted Kellie, Joe, and Sandi. The hardest part was done, so now it was time to race!   I found some kid weaving through the crowds at a pace I thought I could maintain, and we took off down the hills onward to Boston with my blocker making a path for me. It was a great theory that lasted for a while, but the crowds were still way too thick even so far into the run that I could only keep up with him for a few miles. I had studied the course beforehand and knew some landmark buildings that beckoned me toward the finish. It is at this point that the crowds are what really get you going. It was such an awesome feeling making the last few turns, looking way down the street, and seeing the finish line. In my mind, I was sprinting to the finish…reality might have disagreed. But, stepping over that finish line made everything worth it. Later reviewing the pictures, all you could see was me reaching to stop my Garmin as I crossed the line, whereas the seasoned runners like Susan put on more of a photo finish smile and flourish!

Speaking of Susan and Rosalie too, we never talked about how to find each other after the race… Remember, still 30,000 runners, and it never thinned out. After crossing the finish, you are suddenly on autopilot. Herd mentality. Stop running. Move forward. Keep going. More runners are coming in behind you. In a daze, I crept forward, but out of nowhere, I spotted my TRC buddies 100 yards ahead! Somehow despite the thousands of runners between us, we reconnected in time to receive our swag, all of us finishing within less than a minute difference!

I write all of this,  reflecting back to the beginning:  me on the couch. Yes, I am still happy and sipping that beer, but I have traveled a long journey from that couch to this one, but now  I do see a future that includes Chicago, New York, and Boston… but I also look forward to many long runs with my buddies and friends in The Templeton Run Club!





Your smart watch is lying to you.

Garmins, Apple watches, Fitbits, I-Phones, Electronic scales…all of them are culprits. My watch told me the other day that my performance level was at a negative 4. This was at the start of a 15-mile training run we CRUSHED.  While I know it’s ok to start a run tired, it was hard to shake the feeling that maybe I wasn’t running at my best, or maybe I was doing something wrong in my training or lifestyle.  I was being gaslit by my watch!  It’s easy to get hung up on stats and beat ourselves up when they aren’t what we want or expect them to be. Trust yourself and your training. You know the variables in your life that your devices don’t take into consideration. Remember that the tiny computer on your wrist, while an excellent training tool, is not nearly as smart as the person wearing it.

We had an incredible turnout at our first Pub Run of the year at Barrelhouse Brewery in Paso Robles on February 4th.  Sunshine and blue skies made for some great running weather and was perfect for hanging out in the beer garden afterwards.  Barrelhouse had fun too and wants us to do it again. (SAVE THE DATE FOR AUGUST 19th!)

Running Warehouse is kicking off their Pub Run Series this month in Avila Beach on March 28th at 5pm with shoe demos by HOKA.  They’ll meet up at Mulligan’s Bar & Grill and warm up with Movement for Life Physical Therapy.  (The first 100 people get a free drink on Running Warehouse!)  They came north with Brooks Shoes in January and joined us for our Hot Chocolate 5k at 15C in Templeton.  It was a frosty 28 degrees at the start but the company was good and the hot chocolate delicious!


TRC will be hosting Pub Runs all throughout North SLO County this year.  Thankfully the time is changing soon, and we’ll have more daylight to run them in!  Wild Fields Brewhouse in Atascadero has always been a favorite as well as Cal Coast Brewery in Paso Robles.

This month, we’re going to get loopy at Firestone Brewery. We’ll start and finish this (nearly) half mile loop course at the Taproom restaurant and see how many we can laps we can squeeze in! The Taproom will be open for food, drinks, and has the perfect patio for spectating and cheering on runners. The runner that makes the most laps in 30 minutes we’ll buy a beer (or a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice if you’re under 21!) Keep an eye out for more details on this FREE event!

Speaking of free, we can’t do what we do without help from our sponsors. As a non-profit community organization, we want to keep encouraging local runners of all ages to come out and give the sport at try. We are affiliated with the RRCA and USATF and would like to continue to keep our membership free for all to join.  A $200 sponsorship will not only help support our community and club, but you’ll get your logo listed on the backs of our 2023 shirts, your logo listed on the front page of our website, and several shoutouts on social media and in our newsletters.  Please contact me at rosaliesmith@templetonrunclub.com if you’d like to join our team!

As with last month and months going forward, we have another contribution by one of our club members, Jen Seay, with her thoughts on running and why she does it. Please reach out if you would like to contribute as well!

Rosalie Smith


Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, CA. 93465


Why I Run

by Jen Seay


Here’s a little bit about my running life:  I became a distance runner on a warm February day during my freshman year of high school. I arrived at track and field tryouts convinced I was going to be a sprinter. I remember the coach looking at me kindly and telling me to practice with the sprinters but to report back to him at the end of the week. When I came back to him a few days later he looked at me with a smile and said that he knew where I belonged….with the distance runners.  From that day on, I have not looked back.

I have continued to run for the 20+ years since I graduated high school but my running life hasn’t felt the same without a team. Through college and graduate school running became very sporadic with no structure or goal.  I would sign up for a race from time to time which gave me a target, but I would slide back into the same unstructured schedule.  That all changed when I joined the Templeton Run Club in the spring of 2022.  I happened upon the club by accident…I saw them meeting up at the park on a Saturday morning.  After some proper social media stalking, I signed up to join my first Saturday morning long run.  I immediately felt like a member of the crew and have been welcomed with open arms.  The club has been incredible for getting me back on track and provided me the structure I desperately needed.  They motivate me, they encourage me and they support me.  The TRC has been a welcome part of my life and the other members have quickly become friends and it has been my pleasure spending the last year getting to know this group.


I have been thinking about what running means to me and why I do it.  Running is more than just fitness or exercise.  It is a way to gain focus or gain perspective on the world around us.  My general attitude is better, I am more productive in my personal and work life and I am happier.    

Here are some of the things that I think about while on a run:

  • Planning my day. Some of my best planning occurs when my mind is clear during a run.
  • The discomfort.  On runs of all lengths there will be a moment when your legs or arms will be tired.  Pushing through the discomfort can be liberating and powerful.
  • Sometimes I actually think about nothing. This is a great kind of peace, just listening to each step and each breath can be relaxing and soothing. 


My journey to this point has been a great one and I can’t wait to see where running takes me.  There have been many highs including completing a marathon and competing for league championships with my team.  There have also been lows, such as recovering from a tough injury.  I know that I have a great group of runners to help me along the way and I look forward to the future.

Do you know what I have been LIVING for lately?  There is a tiny little widget on my watch that shows me what time the sun rises and sets each day.  Every day since mid-December I’ve been watching that tiny little ray of sunshine add minutes of daylight to the time each evening and it makes me so happy! Today the sun set at 5:13pm but tomorrow it’ll be 5:14pm.  One. Whole. Minute…..which as all you runners know, can be a very long time.

I feel like most of us are looking forward to this break in the rain and it comes just in time! Our Hot Chocolate 5k fun run and walk with Running Warehouse and Brooks shoes is this Saturday, January 21st at 8am. Join us for a 3.5-mile fun run and walk around Templeton with complementary hot chocolate and raffle prizes after the run. We’ll start and finish at 15C Wine Shop and Bar at 624 Main St where they will have food and beverages for purchase afterwards.

For those of you that run or walk along Vineyard Dr. in Templeton, you have may have noticed that there is not one crosswalk in the nearly two mile stretch between Templeton High School and Vineyard Elementary School.  San Luis Obispo County is asking residents to share their input as they move forward with the Vineyard Drive Corridor Plan to improve safety, traffic congestion and access. When you have a few minutes, please take the time to fill out the survey and share your thoughts! (And mention that we’d love for them to include a safe place to cross!)

Finally, as promised in my previous post, we have opened this Blog up to run club members willing to share their thoughts, insights, and personal experiences with running.  Please email me if you would like to contribute!

Happy Running friends!

Rosalie Smith


Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, CA. 93465



Running for life!

by Angie Britton


As we enter the New Year, I am reflecting on my lifelong passion; running. 

I started running in 8th grade.  I joined the track team as a sprinter and a jumper (long jump, triple jump and hurdles) and I continued this trend through high school.  I started running cross-country when I was a junior, at the recommendation of my track coach.  He said it would improve my sprinting ability more than volleyball.  I guess I agreed with him, so I tried it.  I was only moderately good at distance running and I really don’t think I enjoyed it much.  Of course, we lived in the desert, and we ran at 3 o’clock in the afternoon when the temperature was usually hovering around 100 degrees.  …not ideal running conditions.  Once I graduated from high school, I continued to run because I enjoyed keeping track of my times and competing against the clock.

I got married and became a mom shortly after graduating from high school, and had two kids before I turned 20.  I ran early on in my pregnancies, but back then I was advised by my doctor to stop when my heart rate got above 120 – which basically meant I couldn’t run at all.  Try it sometime! It’s impossible to keep your heart rate that low!  This was in the 80’s, and luckily times have changed!  Now they have realized the benefits of continuing your fitness program when you’re pregnant.  Anyways, I was back at it as soon as I could be.  I used to time my runs with my trusty Timex Ironman watch with a lap counter.   It was the bomb!

In my late 20’s and 30’s I was busy with a high-stress career and by this time I had four sons, so I cherished my solitude while running.  It was my “me time”.   For many years, I would get home from work, lace up my running shoes and head out the door. I was free from the chaos of life for a few short minutes.  I didn’t need company and in those days we didn’t have iPods or cell phones to take our music with us, so it was just me and the sounds of my feet pounding the pavement and my rhythmic breathing.  I would spend this time pondering, problem-solving and praying.  It was my therapy. Luckily, my husband was VERY supportive.  I think he learned early on in our relationship that if I didn’t get my run in, we would ALL suffer!    Eventually, I moved into the 21st century when my husband (who’s a gadget guy) bought me my first Garmin.  I’ve had several versions over the years, but I remember the first one was almost as big as my fist!  Friends would suggest running together, but I wanted to run on my own terms at my own pace.  Except for the occasional 5 or 10k, I didn’t want to make running a social event.


As the kids grew older they all played sports.  Life after work became too busy to fit in a run, but I still needed the mental outlet.  That’s when I switched to running before work.  I would get my clothes & shoes ready the night before, so all I had to do was slip them on, brush my teeth, throw my hair in a ponytail and head out the door.  I discovered how peaceful mornings are!  Often, it was still dark, and I would get to watch the sunrise.  It was mesmerizing.   I would enter a race every now and then to motivate me to run faster, and I joined the San Luis Distance Club to keep up on the local races and monitor the times of the other runners.  I attended their track workout a couple of times, but it usually didn’t fit into my work schedule. 

In my early 40’s my husband and I decided that I needed to quit my job and stay home to finish raising the boys.  I grew up as a latchkey kid, so I am very familiar with the trouble that a kid can conjure up when left to his own devices.  Once I ended my career, I was able to run whenever I wanted, and however far I wanted while the kids were in school.  No more scheduling my runs around family commitments and work obligations.   I LOVED running and I LOVED the freedom!  It was not unusual for me to run six or seven days a week!  I actually had to force myself to take a day OFF from running so that I didn’t injure myself!  I was having the time of my life!  I was truly blessed to be able to run for so many years injury free! 

 It was during these years that I discovered the joy of running when we went on vacation.  It was a great way to go exploring!  I eventually came up with the idea that I’d like to run a race in every state.

 It’s been slow going.  I’ve run in 16 states so far, and to date we have mostly just found a race to run wherever we happen to be vacationing.  I’ve recently decided that if I’m going to get this done before I’m dead, I had better start going to places JUST to run a race!  We’ve only done this a couple of times so far; the most memorable being when we flew to Denver in January of 2018 to run a 5k.  We got the oddest looks from people when we told them we were there just to run a race – IN JANUARY!!   One weekend 

I was able to knock out three races – one on a Friday night (a “moonlight run”) and then races on Saturday AND Sunday mornings.  That was back east, where the states are closer together, and the timing just lined up.  All my races have been small-town types of runs.  In I have found they are logistically less hassle.

Now I’m in my 50’s and my kids are all grown.  My life is relatively stress free, so the NEED to run for my mental health has waned a bit.  A few years ago I came to grips with the fact that I have slowed down.  It was a hard reality.  I guess it’s just one of the downsides of running for so many years.  Every runner peaks, but since I’ve been running for nearly 45 years, I peaked long ago.   Unfortunately, it’s taken a toll on my motivation.   

A couple of years ago, I put out a post to a Facebook Group inquiring if there were any “Turkey Trots” being run in the area.  This was in 2020, so most races were shut down due to COVID.  Templeton Run Club responded that they were having one – an informal run from the park on Thanksgiving Day for anyone who wanted to join.  I showed up that day and I was hooked!  Me – the SOLO runner!  I discovered that I LIKE running with others!  We don’t necessarily run together – but we warm up together, we take a picture, we discuss the route, and then we usually stretch afterwards together as we laugh and enjoy each other’s company.  I may or may not run with someone, depending on who is there and how fast and far we run, but we start together before we each settle into our own pace.  We are all ages and varied levels of speed and abilities.  I can run as far as little as I want when we meet – there is no pressure.  …but I know that they will be there cheering me on, just as I am there for them.    

My mother-in-law gave me a journal for my 29th birthday.  I decided to use it as a running log.  It has made it easier to keep track of my runs and I’ve been logging them ever since.  It’s fun to look back at the progress I’ve made over the years, and remember the races and places I’ve run in our travels, and at the different places we’ve lived.  Since joining the Templeton Run Club, I have fond memories of Ugly Christmas Sweater Runs, Pub Runs, ranch runs, runs in the rain and beautiful early morning runs with the sun shining through the trees and our noses pink from the chill in the air.  I am so grateful to my friends with the Templeton Run Club!  We come from all walks of life, but our love of running has created a lasting bond. 

See you at the next run!

Angie Britton


I’m not sure which is worse…cold, dark and 28 degrees, or sweating it out in 110 degrees in the middle of summer. I love running but even I can admit that it can be miserable under perfect conditions, let alone running in weather that makes your face hurt. The last few workouts I’ve done have been a STRUGGLE! Despite my best efforts in trying to talk myself out of going (and believe me, my excuses are quite convincing)…I go…reluctantly… because my friends are there, and it was a struggle for them to get there too.

Let me tell you about my friends. I didn’t know many of them before I started running with them. They come from all walks of life with enough stories and experiences to pass the time on countless miles. Their pace doesn’t matter nor does the amount of miles they put in. They know the pain of hard run, and they know the elation that comes from a great one! It’s a rare breed that’ll want to listen to your full race recap, down to the socks you were wearing and the shoes on your feet. And I’m grateful for them! They keep me motivated when it’s hard to do so on my own. Running (and this club) has brought people into my life I might not have otherwise met and my life would be severely lacking without them.

In looking back on 2022, I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish this year.

We coached youth athletes at our first Track & Field Camp with Templeton Rec and cheered them on at the Atascadero All Comers Meets in July. We ran in the dark from Morro Bay to Sierra Vista Hospital and Avila Beach carrying a flag on its journey from Canada to Mexico with the B. Supportive Relay. We had first time half-marathon and marathon finishers at Mountains to Beach in Ventura and the Wine Country Run in Paso Robles. A few of us had the privilege of running in the 126th Boston Marathon! Many of our runners are just getting back at it after running Cal International Marathon in Sacramento a few weeks ago!



We gained the support of sponsors like April Fehrer with ReMax, Tenet Health Central Coast, Hug a Mug Coffee in Paso Robles, Wild Fields Brewhouse, West Coast Auto and Towing, and Terry Lopez Dressage. Their contributions helped keep our run club free to all that wanted to participate! In addition to GH Sports and Running Warehouse, we gained a new community partner with Prescription Roasting Coffee in Templeton! Last but not least, we teamed up with Luis Escobar and All We Do Is Run to host the inaugural Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run. Not only was it successful in that the majority of runners enjoyed the race and no one got hurt, but the proceeds that Luis donated back to the club will fund our first high school scholarship in 2023!!

Speaking of 2023, January is chock-full of running events! But first!! We need all our members to renew their waivers. Please follow the link on the website to update your information. Better yet, print off a copy, fill it out, sign it, and bring it to a run or mail it to: Templeton Run Club, PO Box 522, Templeton, Ca 93465.

  • January 8th is the Running Chicken 2023 10k/ 5k Fun Run and Walk fundraiser for the Bitti and Brynn Foundation at Santa Margarita Lake. Come run “the wall” with us!

  • January 14th is the Castle to Coast 8 miler if you were lucky enough to get registered before they filled up! The event is a fundraiser for the Cuesta College Track & Field program.

  • On January 21st we’re teaming up with Running Warehouse for our first Hot Chocolate 5k fun run and walk in Templeton! This FREE event will start and finish at 15C and will include a complementary Hot Chocolate and raffle prizes with Brooks shoes after the run.

  • January 28th is the All We Do Is Run La Cuesta Ranch 10k/25k/50k Trail Run at the historic La Cuesta Ranch in San Luis Obispo.

  • Save the date for our first Pub Run of the New Year at Barrelhouse Brewing on February 4th! Discounted brews and raffle prizes after the run!


We will continue to meet for group runs Tuesday mornings, Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings. After January 1st we’ll switch to our “winter hours” and meet at 8am on Saturday mornings. Run Club meetings will be held on the third Thursday of every month at Barrelhouse after the track workout. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate!

While I have enjoyed having you all as a captive audience over the last several years, I had the thought recently that I’d open this blog up to more than just my own random reflections and over shares. Starting this January, in addition to our run club updates, one of our run club members will write on their own thoughts and insights into running, a race they’ve run, struggles they’ve had or experiences they want to share. Please email me at rosaliesmith@templetonrunclub.com if you’d like to contribute!

Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukkah) Runner Friends! See you in the New Year!

Rosalie Smith


Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, CA. 93465



Do you remember how to play kickball? I don’t remember playing as a kid, but I was also painfully shy in grade school and preferred to keep my head stuck in a book rather than risk embarrassing myself in a team sport or being picked last…again. I ran AWAY from the balls, not towards them.

Fast forward a few years…or thirty…and I’ve suddenly found myself in an adult kickball league and despite stopping a ball with my face the other night, have really loved it! (I wish that my 44-year-old self could give my 14-year-old self some pointers! …like learning to duck.) The thing with this kickball team, and most “team sports”, is that it doesn’t come down to just one player being good or bad to win or lose the game. The entire team works together. Cue the phrase there is no “I” in team!

While most people think that running is an individual sport, and often competitively it is, the people we train and surround ourselves with has a big influence on how our individual game plays out. I showed up to track last night, tired, grouchy, and lazy (sounds like someone you’d want to hang out with, right?) But by the time we finished our warmup laps, did our drills, stalled with a photo op, and talked about the workout, our little group had lifted me up. I did my workout (albeit a little shorter than prescribed) and hit the paces I was shooting for (thanks Tony and Jen!) All I had to do was show up and my team made me better for it.

This month our TRC team has gotten a little bigger. Prescription Roasting is a local coffee roasting company made up of three guys that not only love coffee, but also love to run. Their mantra is to provide fresh coffee, that’s responsibly sourced, while keeping an eye on our future planet ANND they want to help us reach our goal of being able to provide scholarships to high school athletes passionate about running!

Prescription Roasting will give a 5% discount to anyone that uses the code “TRC” and will donate 10% to Templeton Run Club. If you use the code to subscribe to a recurring coffee shipment, they will contribute $5 for the initial order and 10% of the sale, plus 10% on recurring orders. But wait there’s more! Subscribe AND you’ll get a welcome Running Gift Pack that includes Drymax socks, Squirrels Nut Butter anti-chafing cream, a Fluid active performance sample, and a Fluid recovery sample!!














Looking back at the summer, in addition to a successful 1st Youth Track and Field Camp with Templeton Rec and the Brian Waterbury 10k Rock to Pier Run comeback, we were able to meet up with SLO Distance Club in August for a group run down Santa Rita Road. We had such a great time and enjoyed the camaraderie the shared love of running brings.  As 2022 winds down and we start planning ahead for 2023, we’re looking forward to meeting up again!


These last few months of 2022 are chocked FULL of running events and opportunities! At the end of the month, Sunday, October 30th, we will have our annual Halloween Costume 5k Fun Run from Templeton Park at 8am. We’ll give out prizes to the top 3 best costumes and run down Main Street to show them all off.

Sunday, November 13th is the Wine Country 10k and Half Marathon in Paso Robles. If you’re not running it, come join us and the Templeton High School Cross Country Team at mile 11 where we’ll be passing out waters and cheering on runners.

The following weekend is our first trail run with All We Do is Run out at the Smith Ranch in between Lake Nacimiento and Lake San Antonio. This Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail run is a 10k/21k/24hr/48hr run on dirt ranch roads with runnable hills and incredible views. Sign up at Ultra Signup to run or volunteer or both! We’ll need help Thursday the 17th to get set up and mark out the route. All We Do is Run is donating a portion of the registration fees back to Templeton Run Club!

We’ll celebrate our 3-year Anniversary on Saturday, November 26th at 8am! Join us at Templeton Park for a team picture, short morning run and celebration afterwards with cupcakes and TRC swag!

We are also working with Running Warehouse to put on a Hot Chocolate 5k tentatively scheduled for January 21st in Templeton. More info to come soon on this one!

Thank you again to our sponsors, April Fehrer with ReMax, Tenet Health Central Coast, Wildfields Brewhouse, Hug a Mug in Paso Robles, and West Coast Auto & Towing, along with supporters like All We Do is Run, Prescription Roasting and GH Sports who have given us a big kick start in covering operating costs and offering support and donations for events like our youth Track and Field Camp, scholarship program and our upcoming trail run. We couldn’t do it without you!


Happy running friends!

Rosalie Smith
Templeton Run Club
PO Box 522
Templeton, CA. 93465


Back in January as I was scrolling through my Instagram page, I came across my horoscope for the new year. Now keep in mind that while I’m not a big believer in fortune telling, they are fun to read and think about. Mine read that I would be focused on learning, improving knowledge, on studying something or teaching. Not so far off since my kids often joke that I’ll be taking classes until I’m 80 years old!



Fast forward a month or so and our talks started with Luis Escobar about hosting a trail run out at the ranch. We’ve never hosted an event before but Luis has hosted plenty. The Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run will be held at the Smith Ranch the weekend of November 18-20th. Not only will part of the registration fees for this event go back to Templeton Run Club, but we’ll learn from the best about what it takes to put on a race. Bring your campers, RV’s, and tents and let’s make a weekend out of it!

The focus of Templeton Run Club has always been about promoting health and wellness through running. We saw the benefits meeting up several times a week was having not only on our physical health, but our mental health as well. There’s something about running conversations that makes it easy to untangle thoughts, learn something new about your friends and share things you may not have normally shared. Other times it’s just a great time to rant! There’s a great quote about running being the most underutilized antidepressant and it’s free!

Templeton Run Club is a USATF and RRCA affiliated club, but unlike many of the clubs with these credentials, we do not charge a monthly or annual fee to join. I dread asking for money but because I love this club and believe in our purpose, we’ve started a campaign to build sponsorships to cover our annual operating costs. We are very fortunate to have obtained a few generous donations over the last several months to help us do so!



Life-long central coast resident and full time real estate agent April Fehrer with ReMax was our very first sponsor! Tenet Health Central Coast the parent company of Twin Cities Hospital and Sierra Vista Hospital became a sponsor last month and more recently Hug A Mug (the drive through coffee kiosk on 13th Street in Paso Robles owned by Templeton residents David and Paula Ross) has joined our team! Last but not least, Wild Fields Brewhouse has not only been one of our favorite pub run stops in Atascadero but they are now also an official sponsor! Help us say a big THANK YOU by supporting these local businesses as our “ultra-marathon” sponsors!

Albert Einstein once said that “if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” We may not yet be able to explain the fine art of running to a six year old, but how about an eight year old??

Templeton Rec and Templeton Run Club are teaming up to offer our 1st Annual Youth Track and Field camp in a few weeks for all incoming 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! This four day program will go over warm ups, offer a brief introduction to track and field events, play some fun running games, and stretching. Camp will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 28th and June 30th, July 5th and July 7th at the Jack Allen Field at Templeton High School from 9:30am-11:30am.

Some of our Templeton High school track athletes have volunteered as student coaches and will be there to help offer support and guidance to our young athletes! Registration is $100 and will include a t-shirt, snacks and swag bag at the end of camp! (Shout out to GH Sports for donating a few fun goodies to the bags!)

Any funds raised will go back to the Templeton Rec Department and Templeton Run Club to put towards future community activities. Click here and go to youth sports camps/clinics to register or swing by Templeton Rec Department Tuesday-Friday from 9am-6pm!


Love Templeton Rec?? Show your support and join us for their 5k Beer Run at Barrelhouse on Saturday, July 9th at 8am! Sign up before July 6th!

Can’t make that one? The following weekend is the 52nd running of the Brian Waterbury Rock to Pier 10k! Join us on July 16th at 8am for a point to point race held completely on the beach (hard packed sand) from Morro Rock to Caycos Pier. There will be a shuttle back to the rock where they’ll have a post race breakfast!


Last but not least, we’ll be running leg 57 of the B. Supportive Relay on June 21st at 7pm. This relay started on June 4th at the Canada border and is on it’s way down to Mexico in support of Health Care Heros and the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

We’ve signed up for the Central Coast section and will be running a full marathon (broken up into 3 mile legs) from Morro Bay to Avila Beach, with a quick flyby Sierra Vista Hospital.

There is still some time to sign up and join in the fun! We’ll run this “Ragnar” style where we have 2-3 runners on each leg and leapfrog them to cheer them on! Join our team at bsrelay.com! Don’t want to run but still want to support the cause? You can make a donation in our name to the Challenged Athletes foundation HERE!

Happy Running Friends!

Rosalie Smith


Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, Ca. 93465

When I worked as a nurse in Critical Care, I would frequently take care of patients after having major abdominal surgery. One of the most critical parts of their healing, and often the most painful, was for them to get out of bed and go for a walk. This often happened in steps. First, just sitting up on the edge of the bed. Next, getting from the bed to the chair. The next day, getting from the bed to the chair and then taking a few steps. I remember telling a patient one day about my running adventures and her telling me how easy it must be for me to do what I was asking of her. I told her, everyone’s marathon is a little different. For me, yes, it was 26.2 miles, but for her that day it was 26.2 steps. It takes time, hard work and an incredible amount of patience to meet the goals we set for ourselves. It doesn’t matter how big or small our dreams might be, only that we have determination to chase them!

untitled image

February was an exciting month in meeting some run club goals. We met with Luis Escobar, the founder of All We Do Is Run (and a runner himself,) and started our planning for a local, fall trail run! His group will put on the event, we’ll be there to help and learn about what it takes to put on a race, and a portion of the registration fees go directly back to Templeton Run Club! The Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run will take place the weekend of November 18th-20th. This event will feature a runable 10k, 21k, 24 hour and 48 hour run on a dirt, single track, loop course out at our ranch! (Located in North San Luis Obispo County in between Lake Nacimiento and Lake San Antonio.) Bring your tents or travel trailers and let’s make a weekend out of it!

Other goals for the next few months include reaching out to potential run club sponsors as well as working with the Templeton Rec Department to start planning a kid’s summer run camp! If you are interested in either becoming a sponsor or want to help plan the run camp, please email me at rosaliesmith@templetonrunclub.com. My time is dedicated to the Templeton High School Track and Field Team right now but I’d like to get back on track (ha!) with getting some of our run club ideas rolling!

The 126th annual Boston Marathon is right around the corner and while many of us are finally starting to taper, there are many more of us that are gearing up for Mountains to Beach Marathon and Half at the end of May. I ran Boston in 2016 and while it was an absolutely incredible experience, I struggled with the training leading up to it and that was reflected in how I felt during the run. Some of you that have known me for a while have read this before, but I’ll leave you with this Boston Marathon Race Recap I wrote on the plane ride home.

Katie and I were laughing about my race experience on the plane ride home…..so if you have some reading time, here’s my 2016 Boston marathon race recap!


Mile 1: Oh no! What have I done?? I’m in NO shape to run a marathon! …oh man…25 to go…


Mile 2: It’s hot out here! Why is it so hot? My left shoulder is hurting…am I having a heart attack?? So soon?? I didn’t fill out the emergency info on my bib…I wonder how long it’d take for them to get to me….

Mile 3.1: Enjoy the down hill…enjoy the downhill…but not too much….5k done!! …how many 5k’s in a marathon? Wait scratch that…it’s just 5 miles 5 times…5 miles 5 times…


Mile 4: Ashland…this is a cute town…oh look…kids! High five kids! Whoa and adults …and more kids….move to the center! Move to the center!


Mile 5: First five miles…Honey stinger time…five miles five times…what does that make that? Just over 20 miles to go…ok just stop counting…


Mile 6.2: It’s still hot! Rosalie–you like the heat…suck it up…ooo ooo guy with the garden hose! Over here! …NOW it’s 20 miles to go…20 miles!!!


Mile 7: This is the “easy” part…pace under 9…if I can just keep this pace…keep this pace and you can stop at mile 10…


Mile 8: I like mile 8…I don’t like THIS mile 8, but I like 8…this is my 8th marathon…8 is my favorite number…geeze I’m still not feeling this! I usually feel good by mile 8!


Mile 9: Mile 10 Mile 10 Mile 10


Mile 10: YAY! 10 miles!! Break time! Where did all these people come from?? I can’t stop now! You go town of Natick! Look at all the cool old buildings!


Mile 11: Is my knee hurting? No…my knee isn’t hurting…really?? Nope…not hurting…


Mile 12: What’s that sound?? Ooohhhh….Wellesley….already?? I thought these girls were later….hi hi hi girls!


Mile 13.1: HALF WAY THERE!!!!! (Glances at watch) ugh…under 4 is going to be tight…


Mile 14: Mile 15 Mile 15 Mile 15…..


Mile 15: GU time!! Bleh…oh my gosh I just breathed water…seriously?? I have water up my nose during a marathon! This is not a swim Rosalie!


Mile 16: ok…just a few more to go until mile 20…THANK YOU headwind! I think I’m starting to feel like I can run this thing…


Mile 16.2: stop looking at your watch…


Mile 16.4: you’re slowing down…


Mile 16.8: seriously?!?!!


Mile 17: ok…mile 17…all downhill until mile 17…bring it on Newton…oh hi Santa Claus…whoa he really looks like Santa!


Mile 18: O.M.G. That hill sucked…Quick check…breathing?…mediocre…knee?…not hurting (what the hell?? Do I make this stuff up??) …legs? Kinda crampy…feet? Think I have a blister…or 4…so much for toenails!


Mile 19: ok…almost to mile 20…stretch break at mile 20…ahh! Is that a sprinkler tunnel??


Mile 20: Stop to stretch…(race volunteer checks on me…you doing ok ma’m??) Yep just stretching! Wow…these guys are on top of it!


Mile 21: Heartbreak hill time!! Where is it……Wait…is this it?! Woo-hoo! Downhill coming up!!


Mile 22: FOUR more miles!! I want to stop SO bad but this crowd is AMAZING!! Just keep running..doesn’t matter how slow…3 more miles til Joe and the kids…


Mile 23: oh my gosh my legs hurt!! Will I make under 4?? Not likely, but keep pushing just in case!! 3 more miles!! No no random stranger…not 3 and a half…3.2…are we still moving downhill???


Mile 24: Someone just said “welcome to Boston!”…I’M IN BOSTON!!!


Mile 25: Where are Joe and the kids?? Maybe I missed them….one more mile… one more mile…the freaking longest and best of them all….oh there’s Joe! Hi kids!!! Hi!! ONE MORE MILE!!!


Mile 26: oh my gosh…oh my gosh….oh my gosh….this is so freaking awesome!!


Mile 26.2: YAAAYYYYY!!!! I made it!! (Knee…how you doin??…still walking…not hobbling around! Woo-hoo!!) THIS CITY IS AMAZING!!!!


Official time 4:03:17….not a PR but considering the challenges in training, by far the smartest and most inspiring race I’ve run!! So so happy!!

Happy Running Friends,

Rosalie Smith



Templeton Run Club

PO Box 522

Templeton, CA. 93465