Don’t blink! Our beautiful green hills won’t last for long. As unfortunate as it is that we haven’t gotten more rain, these warm sunny days have made for some spectacular runs. If you haven’t been out for a run lately, GET OUTSIDE! You’ll thank me later. If you follow the club on Strava and received the 20 event notifications, then you’ll know our April calendar is up to date! There are some great runs planned this month! Check Strava for starting locations and times, route maps, and mileage options. If you bring it up on a desktop you can also check out the elevation profile of the route you’re running. Although don’t let it fool you! Sometimes those steep climbs are not that steep…..except Ridge..…that one is steep…maybe the Santa Rita Road climb too…

Other than the random Wednesday we have planned next week, our run club schedule will remain the same. This month’s runs are Tuesday mornings at 7am, Thursday evenings on the track at 6pm, and Saturdays at 8am (no group run on April 10th.) We will continue to work around high school sports and will alternate between the Templeton and Atascadero high school tracks. Starting in May, our Saturday runs will start at 7am to beat the heat. For those that are currently marathon training, we’re planning a supported 20-22 miler to Cayucos on May 22nd starting from Templeton Park at 7am. We’d love you to have you join us!! There will be plenty of options for shorter distances. Please be sure to RSVP so we can plan ahead!

In some other exciting new, Templeton Run Club is now a non-profit organization under the RRCA (Road Runners Club of America)!! This was one of our first goals in creating this club and I am so happy that it’s finally coming to fruition. We would love to eventually put on local races and anticipate having to reach out to local businesses and community leaders for support. As a non-profit organization, contributions towards our club and events will not only be tax deductible but also increases our ability to apply for government and private grants. So excited for this opportunity!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the club or are interested in joining us. Our membership is free, other than the time spent filling out a waiver, and we’re really not as scary as we look…not all of us anyways!


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